You’re bound to get some really amazing deals on jewelry in St. Thomas. As far as jewelry being cheaper here is concerned, we’ll have to take a closer look at how true this information is.

If you visit St. Thomas, you’ll find jewelry stores almost everywhere! Their jewelry pieces are very famous all around the world. 

Many people believe that their increasing interest in jewelry shops is due to the fact that a lot of people on cruise ships like to buy it when they come across these islands.

However, rumors have it that jewelry in St. Thomas is extremely cheap. If you are curious to know whether this is true or not, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’ll be discussing why jewelry shopping is so popular in St. Thomas and reasons for it being cheaper.

So let’s get right to it!

Is jewelry in St. Thomas actually cheaper?

The Caribbean island of St. Thomas is extremely popular for its amazing shopping scene. 

Many people when visiting the Caribbean islands opt for purchasing jewelry items along with other souvenirs. They find the jewelry to be much cheaper here at St. Thomas than they do in other parts of the world.

St. Thomas is extremely popular for its diamonds. There are plenty of luxury jewelry shops here at St. Thomas from where you can find amazing diamond pieces. The prices obviously may vary from shop to shop. 

Therefore, it’s not as if you can just step into a store and you’ll find cheap jewelry lying around. No, that’s not the case! 

You will always have to research first and shop around in order to find the best bargain.

Some of the best stores in St. Thomas for jewelry shopping include Diamond International, Cardows, Colombian Emeralds, and Beverley’s. There are thousands of shops all across the island and you may visit any one. 

However, it’s suggested that visitors should stick to the shops stated above or similar branded stores. Doing so will ensure that you receive the best quality jewelry and not get scammed. 

A few tips for getting the best price for jewelry at St. Thomas is to always purchase after the cruise ships leave. 

One should make sure that the shopkeepers think you’re not a cruise passenger. This is because shopkeepers usually don’t give such good deals to cruisers as they do to hotel guests.

The reason is that once you leave, they’ll be 6000 other people waiting to buy from them. 

Additionally, if they see that you are actually serious about buying, then they’ll definitely not let you leave empty-handed. They’ll make sure to offer you a great deal so you buy from them!

It’s also suggested to not buy the first thing you see. You shouldn’t be afraid to haggle on the jewelry because almost every other store will definitely offer you a much better price than what you originally began with.

So don’t be hasty and look around before you make the decision to buy!

Moreover, the shopkeepers at St. Thomas are known to be very welcoming and friendly. They will treat you really nicely and also give you really good prices. 

Many people have actually stated that they’ve visited the island of St. Thomas so many times just to buy jewelry from their stores. 

They claim that the people are wonderful and always provide them with the best pieces. They even claim that as compared to the United States, they’ve always found that prices in St. Thomas is much better.

So according to all the reviews from people who’ve visited and bought jewelry from St. Thomas, it seems true that the jewelry here is definitely cheaper. 

But what could be the reason behind jewelry being this cheap in St. Thomas and not other parts of the world? Keep reading ahead to find out more!

Why is jewelry in St. Thomas cheaper? 

Well there’s a very logical explanation as to why jewelry is much cheaper in the island of St. Thomas than it is elsewhere. This is because the goods in these islands are sales tax free. 

Additionally, they are usually sold at a lower retail price to begin with. The reason being that they’re also duty-free.

Therefore, it’s easy to save a lot of money on expensive items in the duty-free world of the Caribbean. 

These islands are a great place to find jewelry, watches, and many other gifts not only for yourself but also your loved ones! One can expect to save up to 25% or even more at times on their purchases. 

Moreover, the reason why there are so many jewelry stores with such good prices is because St. Thomas is a popular site for several cruise ships. 

People on these cruise ships like to buy a lot of jewelry. Therefore, making it a sort of jewelry landmark. Because there are so many visitors, there’s also so much business.

Although it should be noted that It’s not as if the jewelry is cheaper everywhere in St. Thomas. However, the reason why many people find it to be cheaper is that there are several jewelry stores all around. 

According to a visitor, the ratio of food stores and jewelry stores in St. Thomas is 1:20. Isn’t that insane? 

Now because there are multiple jewelry stores all in one place when people shop around and compare prices they’re bound to find at least one that’ll match their budget. 

For this reason, people believe that buying in St. Thomas is much cheaper than buying anywhere else in the world. However, in reality, it’s just a game of probability!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the rumor of getting cheap jewelry in the Caribbean islands is true! 

However, as mentioned, there are several logical reasons as to why these items can be found at such reasonable rates. A major one being that they’re sales tax free and duty free.

So if you’re planning on visiting the islands, then make sure to check the jewelry stores out. You might find a beautiful piece which may catch your eye.

Most importantly, make sure to work with a reputable dealer and get pricing information to be able to compare prices. And you’ll be good to go!